Section 6.1 An Overview of Gross-Zagier and Related Objects / Formulas of interest (Sachi)
¶Goal today is to motivate and give some high level overview of the objects in Gross-Zagier. It involves many things \(L\)-functions, elliptic curves, modular forms.
Main reference: [106].
Subsection 6.1.1 A big example
Today we will study
LMFDB label 43.a1,
One fundamental invariant we can compute is the conductor, in this case 43, we only have bad reduction at 43 and no other prime.
To compute the real period we can transform to short Weierstrass form.
then we have invariant differential
Real period is then
For \(E/\CC\) fix a complex conjugate root of \(E\text{,}\) \(\alpha \text{,}\) and \(\beta =\) real root.
We can look at \(E/\FF_p\) for various \(p\text{.}\) Obtained by looking at the equation \(y^2 + y =x^3 +x^2 \pmod p\) for various \(p\text{.}\)
At 43 we have non-split multiplicative reduction, which means that we have a singular curve with tangent slopes not defined over \(\FF_{43}\text{.}\)
We can tabulate the \(a_n\)
\(n\) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
\(a_n\) | 1 | -2 | -2 | 2 | -4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
As we have \(E/\QQ\) we can determine that
Next up the Néron-Tate canonical height:
naive height is the max of the absolute values of the numerator and denominator of the \(x\)-coordinate. In our case this is
We have the Hasse-Weil bound:
so the \(L\)-function converges for \(\Re (s ) \gt 3/2\text{.}\) So modularity implies that \(L_E(s)\) extends to an entire function \(\widetilde L_E\) satisfying a functional equation
in particular \(\widetilde L_E(s)\) vanishes at \(s=1\text{.}\)
BSD for rank 1 then says:
- \begin{equation*} \ord_{s=1} \widetilde L_E(s) = \rank E(\QQ) = 1 \end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \frac{\diff}{\diff s} \widetilde L_E(s)|_{s=1} = \underbrace{\hat h ( P) \omega _1}_{\approx 0.34352397} |\Sha| \end{equation*}\(|\Sha|\) is predicted to be finite (in which case the order is a square). the LHS can be computed using\begin{equation*} 2\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n \int_1^\infty \log t \exp\left(- \frac{-2 n \pi t }{\sqrt{43}}\right) \diff t\text{.} \end{equation*}
Goal: Verify \(E\) is modular. Two definitions today:
- There exists a newform \(f \in S_2(\Gamma _0(N))\) with fourier coefficients the same as the \(L\)-series:\begin{equation*} a_p(f) = a_p(E) \end{equation*}for all \(p\nmid N\text{.}\)
- There exists \(X_0(N) \to E\) finite defined over \(\QQ\text{.}\)
the modular curve for the congruence subgroup generated by \(\Gamma _0(43) = \begin{pmatrix} a \amp b \\ c \amp d \end{pmatrix}\) with \(c \equiv 0 \pmod{43}\text{.}\)
which is potentially equal to \(E\text{.}\)
Strategy: Find \(\eta ,\xi \) s.t.
should be holomorphic modular forms in \(M_4(\Gamma _0(43))\) and \(M_6(\Gamma _0(43))\text{.}\) we can compute \(q\)-series expansions and use modular symbols to prove they exist.
Quadratic twists of \(E\).
Let \(\Delta \lt 0\) be a fundamental discriminant.
these are not isomorphic over \(\QQ\text{.}\)
The \(L\)-function of \(E_\Delta \text{.}\) For any \(\Delta \) coprime to 43
can prove that for \(p\nmid 6\cdot 43 \cdot \Delta \text{.}\)
are related by considering
mod \(p\text{,}\) so if \(\Delta \) is a square we have isomorphisms locally and the \(a_p\) are equal, otherwise all non-square and squares are swapped.
BSD says
if \(\rank = 0\text{.}\)
Waldspurger's implies that \(A_\Delta \) is a square.
Theorem 6.1.4. Gross-Zagier.
If \(\Delta \lt 0 \) is a fundamental discriminant which is a square mod 43, then
where \(P_\Delta \) is the Heegner point on \(E\) associated to the discriminant \(\Delta \text{.}\)
Adding in Waldspurger we get
but also
as \(\Omega _{E,\Delta }^+ = \Omega _E^- / \sqrt \Delta \) we have cancellation and \(c_\Delta ^2 = b_\Delta ^2\) for all \(\Delta \text{.}\)